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SectionArc Length

In the previous section, we used the radius of a circle, r, and an angle, θ to define polar coordinates. In this section, we use these variables to find the length of arcs on circles.

An arc is a portion of the circumference of a circle.

Arc length is defined as the length of an arc, s, along a circle of radius r subtended (drawn out) by an angle θ.

arc length

The length of the arc around an entire circle is called the circumference of the circle. The circumference of a circle is


To find the length of an arc along a circle of radius r, we can think of the arc as a portion of the circumference of the circle. Consider the following example.


Find the length of an arc on a circle of radius 2 subtended by an angle of 45 degrees.


Let's start by drawing a picture of the arc and labeling the known information.

We want to find the arc length, \(s\text{,}\) of an arc corresponding to an angle of 45 degrees on a circle of radius 2.

arc length example 1

To find the arc length, we can think about the arc as a portion of the circle's circumference. The circumference of the circle is

\begin{equation*} C = 2\pi r = 2\pi \cdot 2 = 4\pi \end{equation*}

Since the arc corresponding to \(45^\circ\) is one-eighth of the full circumference of the circle, the arc length is

\begin{equation*} s = 4\pi \cdot \frac{1}{8} = \frac{4\pi}{8} = \frac{\pi}{2} \end{equation*}

Recall that we defined radians as an angle measurement that arises by looking at angles as a fraction of the unit circle. Since the radius of the unit circle is 1, the circumference of the unit circle is 2π. This is why there are 2π radians in one complete trip around a circle. Thus, arc lengths on the unit circle correspond to the angle measures (in radians) that those arcs subtend.

For example, consider an arc subtended by an angle of π/2 radians on the unit circle. Since the circumference of the unit circle is 2π and the arc is one-fourth of the circumference, the arc length is


This corresponds exactly to the angle subtended by the arc, π/2.

What if the circle has radius r? If the circle is subtended by an angle of θ radians, then the arc makes up a fraction of θ2π of the whole circumference. Since the circumference is 2πr, we can compute the arc length as follows.

Arc Length Formula

For a circle of radius r subtended by an angle of θ radians, the length s of the corresponding arc is


or simply

